Monday, July 30, 2012

My favorite SALE !

Street Shots

My favorite SALE !

CAUTION: It's getting wilder and wilder everyday!

Now that the sale has been on for quite some time and people are hitting stores all over the place in huge numbers, the fire to grab the best can take them to any extend! Break your leg, bruise your arm, scrape your head - but you've got to have the best one in your shopping cart. 

Don't tell us we didn't warn you! 


  1. loved the expression of all...:))) whoever even if taking a glance also, will bring a smile on their face for sure..

  2. where are my usual polaroid page models, I miss them

  3. bada fadoo hai....sab ki fatt gayi after da sale ;) ... but naice doesnt luk artificial .. conceptually n visually very appealing :)
